Online Calculators > Math Calculators > Percentage Calculator
Percentage Calculator
Percentage Calculator is a free online percent calculator to calculate percentages.
The Percentage Difference Calculator has 3 ways to calculate the differences between two numbers.
At the bottom of the page there is a percentage formula which shows how to calculate percentage increase between two numbers.
Percent Calculator
The percent calculator calculates the percentage between two numbers whereas the percentage increase calculator calculates percentage increase and decrease between two numbers.
Percentage Formula
Following is the percentage formula that shows you how to find percentage.
What is A percent of B?
Result = A/100 * B
A is what percent of B?
Result = A/B*100;
Percent Increase Formula
Here is the percent increase formula which works for percent decrease as well.
What is the percentage increase/decrease from A to B?
Result = (B - A)/A * 100
what percent of 25 is 5
what percent of 100 is 25
what percent of 75 is 25
what percent of 50 is 10
50/100 as a percentage
5/75 as a percentage
25/125 as a percentage
15/45 as a percentage