Miscellaneous Calculators & Online Tools

A set of free and powerful calculators and online tools ranging from case converter, base64 decode and encode, character count, random name picker, ip address finder and many more.

Age Calculator - calculate your age in terms of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds.
Online BMI Calculator - calculate your body mass index or BMI.
How Old am I - calculate how old are you.
Tip Calculator - calculate tips with tax and split options.
Random Name Picker - pick a random name from a list of names.
Money Counter - calculate the total amount of bills.
Distance Calculator - calculate the distance between two gps coordinates.
Random Picker - pick a random item from a list of items.
Random Number Generator - generate a random number.
Word Counter - count words and characters.
Character Count - count characters and letters.
Reverse Text - reverse or flip text and string.
Line Counter - count lines in text.
My IP Address - find your ip address.
Random Password Generator - generate random passwords.
Random City Generator - generate a random city.
Random Postal Codes - generate a random zip code.
Random State Generator - generate a random state.
Random Country Generator - generate a random country.
Random County Generator - generate a random county.
Random Date Generator - generate a random date.
Case Convert - convert text to different formats.
Base64 Decode - decode text from base64 format.
Base64 Encode - encode text to base64 format.
Miles Per Gallon Calculator - calculate MPG.
Url Decode - decode an encoded url.
Url Encode - encode an url.
What is my IP - tool to lookup your ip address.
Stopwatch - online stopwatch.
Countdown Timer - online countdown timer.
Alarm Clock - online alarm clock to set alarm.
Corrected Sodium Calculator - calculate corrected sodium.
Corrected Calcium Calculator - calculate corrected calcium.
Cat Age Calculator - calculate cat years to human years.
Dog Age Calculator - calculate dog age.
Dog Years Calculator - calculate dog years to human years.
Life Path Number Calculator - calculate life path number.
Destiny Number Calculator - calculate your destiny number.
Numerology Calculator - calculate your numerology.
Personality Number Calculator - calculate your personality number.
Soul Urge Number Calculator - calculate your soul urge number.
Morse Code Translator - convert morse code.
Pick a Number - pick a random number.
Reverse Text Generator - reverse letters and text.
Repeat Text Generator - generate repeated text and strings.
Text to ASCII Converter - convert text to ASCII code.
ASCII to Text Converter - convert ASCII code to text.
Word Finder - word finder tool to search for words.
Random Name Generator - generate a random name.
Random Boy Name Generator - generate a random boy name.
Random Girl Name Generator - generate a random girl name.
Random Word Generator - generate a random word.
Random Letter Generator - generate a random letter.
Random Team Generator - divide a list into random teams.
Random List Generator - generate a list of random items.
Download Time Calculator - calculate how long does it take to download a file.
Random String Generator - generate a random string.
DPI Generator - calculate the mouse DPI.
Bandwidth Calculator - calculate the time it takes to download a certain file.
Fake Credit Card Generator - generate fake credit card numbers.
American Express Credit Card Generator - generate fake American Express credit card numbers.
Discover Credit Card Generator - generate fake Discover credit card numbers.
Mastercard Credit Card Generator - generate fake Mastercard credit card numbers.
Visa Credit Card Generator - generate fake Visa credit card numbers.
Babysitter Pay Calculator - calculate the pay for babysitters.
Commute Calculator - calculate the cost for commute.
Powerball Random Number Generator - generate random numbers for Powerball.
Mega Millions Number Generator - generate random numbers for Mega Millions.
Pin Generator - generate a random pin number.
Random Card Generator - generate a random card from the deck.
Online Dice Roller - roll a random dice online.

Electrical Calculators
Real Estate Calculators
Accounting Calculators
Business Calculators
Construction Calculators
Sports Calculators
Physics Calculators
Random Generators

Financial Calculators
Compound Interest Calculator
Mortgage Calculator
How Much House Can I Afford
Loan Calculator
Stock Calculator
Investment Calculator
Retirement Calculator
401k Calculator
eBay Fee Calculator
PayPal Fee Calculator
Etsy Fee Calculator
Markup Calculator
TVM Calculator
LTV Calculator
Annuity Calculator
How Much do I Make a Year

Math Calculators
Mixed Number to Decimal
Ratio Simplifier
Percentage Calculator

Health Calculators
BMI Calculator
Weight Loss Calculator

CM to Feet and Inches
MM to Inches

How Old am I
Random Name Picker
Random Number Generator