Accounting Calculator
Accounting Calculator is a set of free accounting calculators to calculate profit margins, ROI, cash flow, financial ratios and more. Online accounting calculators that will simplify accounting for your business.
Return on Investment Calculator - calculate the return on investment (ROI) of an investment.
Markup Calculator - calculate the markup price for your product.
Sales Calculator - calculate the total revenue from products sold.
Profit Calculator - calculate the gross profit for your products.
Double Discount Calculator - calculate double discount for any product.
Triple Discount Calculator - calculate triple discount for any product.
VAT Calculator - calculate VAT and gross price of an item.
GST Calculator - calculate GST and gross price of an item.
Gross to Net Calculator - calculate gross to net.
Net to Gross Calculator - calculate net to gross.
Marginal Cost Calculator - calculate marginal cost of producing one additional unit.
Current Ratio Calculator - calculate current ratio of a company.
NOI Calculator - calculate the net operating income of an investment property.
Return On Equity Calculator - calculate the return on equity (ROE) of a company.
Return On Assets Calculator - calculate the return on assets (ROA) ratio.
Return On Sales Calculator - calculate the return on sales (ROS) ratio.
Net Profit Margin Calculator - calculate the net profit margin ratio of a company.
Enterprise Value Calculator Online - calculate the enterprise value of a firm.
EBITDA Multiple Calculator - calculate the EBITDA Multiple which compares a company's enterprise value to EBITDA.
ROCE Calculator - calculate the return on capital employed ratio.
EBIT Calculator - calculate earnings before interest and taxes of a business.
Earnings Per Share Calculator - calculate earnings per share of a company.
Sharpe Ratio Calculator - calculate the sharpe ratio to measure an investment's risk-adjusted return.
Rule of 72 Calculator - calculate how long it will take to double your money.
DSCR Calculator - calculate the debt service coverage ratio.
CAGR Calculator - calculate the compound annual growth rate.
WACC Calculator Online - calculate the weighted average cost of capital.
Cost of Equity Calculator - calculate the cost of equity.
PVIFA Calculator Online - calculate Present Value Interest Factor of Annuity or PVIFA.
Actual Cash Value Calculator - calculate the actual cash value (ACV) to evaluate insured property.
Cap Rate Calculator - calculate the capitalization rate for real estate investing.
Inventory Turnover Calculator - calculate inventory turnover ratio.
Quick Ratio Calculator - calculate quick ratio of a firm.
Operating Margin Calculator - calculate operating margin of a company.
Discount Factor Calculator - calculate the discount factor of an investment.
Holding Period Return Calculator - calculate the holding period return of an investment.
Average Collection Period Calculator - calculate the average collection period.
Total Asset Turnover Calculator - calculate the total asset turnover rate.
Receivables Turnover Ratio Calculator - calculate the receivables turnover ratio of a company.
Book Value Per Share Calculator - calculate the book value per share of a business.
Equity Multiplier Calculator - calculate the quity multiplier of a company.
Retention Ratio Calculator - calculate the retention ratio.
Cash Ratio Calculator - calculate the cash ratio.
Fixed Asset Turnover Calculator - calculate the fixed asset turnover ratio.
Interest Coverage Ratio Calculator - calculate the interest coverage ratio.
Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio Calculator - calculate the fixed charge coverage ratio.
EBITDA Margin Calculator - calculate the EBITDA margin.
EBITDA Calculator - calculate the EBITDA of a company.
Equity Ratio Calculator - calculate the equity ratio of a company.
Expense Ratio Calculator - calculate the expense ratio of a fund.
Free Cash Flow Calculator - calculate the free cash flow of a company.
ROIC Calculator - calculate the return on invested capital ratio.
RORE Calculator - calculate return on retained earnings.
Sortino Ratio Calculator - calculate the sortino ratio.
Residual Income Calculator - calculate personal and business residual income.
Net Income Calculator - calculate a company's net income.
Net Fixed Assets Calculator - calculate a company's net fixed assets.
Working Capital Calculator - calculate the working capital of a company.
Times Interest Earned Ratio Calculator - calculate the TIE ratio of a firm.
Accumulated Depreciation Calculator - calculate the accumulated depreciation ratio.
Asset Turnover Calculator - calculate the asset turnover ratio.
Asset Turnover Calculator - calculate the asset turnover ratio.
Net Interest Margin Calculator - calculate the net interest margin.
Net Working Capital Calculator - calculate a firm's net working capital.
NOPAT Calculator - calculate net operating profit after tax.
Operating Cash Flow Calculator - calculate the operating cash flow.
Operating Income Calculator - calculate a company's operating income.
Marginal Revenue Calculator - calculate the marginal revenue of a company.
Margin of Safety Calculator - calculate the margin of safety.
Profit Margin Calculator - calculate profit margin.
Operating Leverage Calculator - calculate operating leverage.
Cash Conversion Cycle Calculator - calculate the cash conversion cycle.
Cost of Goods Sold Calculator - calculate the COGS.
Days Sales Outstanding Calculator - calculate the days sales outstanding.
Days Sales in Inventory Calculator - calculate the days sales in inventory.
Days Payable Outstanding Calculator - calculate the days payable outstanding.
Gross Profit Calculator - calculate the gross profit.
Gross Margin Calculator - calculate the gross margin.
Payback Period Calculator - calculate the payback period.
Contribution Margin Calculator - calculate the contribution margin.
PEG Ratio Calculator - calculate the PEG ratio.
Net Profit calculator - calculate a firm's net profit.
Net Sales calculator - calculate a firm's net sales.
CAPM Calculator - calculate capital asset pricing model.
Whether you own your own business or looking to invest in another business, you will find all the accounting calculators that you need to evaluate your decisions.
If you are a professional accountant and are preparing taxes for clients, you can also find useful accounting calculators that you may need.
Investors in the stock market can also use our accounting calculators to analyze the profitability of a public company and decide whether it is a good investment.
Anyone that ever deals with financial statements and balance sheets will find this set of accounting calculators useful.
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