Online Calculators > Time Calculators > Weeks Between Dates

Weeks Between Dates

Weeks Between Dates is a calculator to calculate how many weeks between dates. Simply enter two dates, and the weeks between date calculator will calculate how many weeks are there between the two dates.

How Many Weeks Between Dates

Start Date:
End Date:

Weeks Between Two Dates

How many weeks between dates?

After you enter or select the start date and end date, the week between dates calculator will instantly show you how many weeks and days are between the dates you selected. You can select any two dates from the past, present, or in future.

How to calculate how many weeks between two dates?

To calculate how many weeks between two dates, we need to first count the number of days between the dates.

  • Count the days between the two days
  • Divide the total number of days by 7 and round down the number because there are 7 days in a week.
  • The remainder of the above calculation is the days remaining.

For example, to calculate how many weeks and days between 09/01/2022 and 01/01/2023, we first need to count the number of days between these two dates.

1. Count the days between the two days
There are 121 days between 09/01/2022 and 01/01/2023.

2. Divide the days by 7
121 / 7 = 17 weeks

3. The remainder of 121/7
the remainder of 122/7 is 3, which is 3 days.
That means there are 17 weeks and 3 days between 09/01/2022 and 01/01/2023.

How to use the weeks between two dates calculator?

All you have to do is select two dates, and the weeks between two dates calculator will calculate accurately the number of weeks and days between them.

Does the calculator work for leap years?

Yes, the weeks between dates calculator automatically includes an extra day (Feb 29) for leap years, and it will calculate the number of weeks and days correctly.

Can I select two dates from the past?

Yes, the calculator works perfectly fine for past dates. It will accurately calculate the dates from any two dates of the past.

Can I select two dates from the future?

Yes, the calculator is able to calculate any dates from the past, present, and future.

2 weeks from today
3 weeks from today
6 weeks from today
8 weeks from today
10 weeks from today
12 weeks from today
13 weeks from today
14 weeks from today
15 weeks from today
16 weeks from today
26 weeks from today
50 weeks from today
128 weeks from today
2 weeks ago from today
3 weeks ago from today
6 weeks ago from today
9 weeks ago from today
13 weeks ago from today
14 weeks ago from today
34 weeks ago from today
40 weeks ago from today
50 weeks ago from today

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