Online Calculators > Conversion > Temperature Conversion
Temperature Conversion
Temperature Conversion to convert temperature units between celsius, fahrenheit, kelvin, rankine and Réaumur. Enter any temperature, and the temperature calculator will calculate the value for all temperature units.
Celsius: |
Fahrenheit: |
Kelvin: |
Rankine: |
Réaumur: |
Celsius to Fahrenheit
Following are some quick conversions from celsius to fahrenheit
1 degree celsius to fahrenheit
10 degrees celsius to fahrenheit
15 degrees celsius to fahrenheit
20 degrees celsius to fahrenheit
25 degrees celsius to fahrenheit
30 degrees celsius to fahrenheit
35 degrees celsius to fahrenheit
40 degrees celsius to fahrenheit
Fahrenheit to Celsius
Below are some popular conversions from fahrenheit to celsius
30 fahrenheit to celsius
40 fahrenheit to celsius
50 fahrenheit to celsius
60 fahrenheit to celsius
70 fahrenheit to celsius
80 fahrenheit to celsius
90 fahrenheit to celsius
100 fahrenheit to celsius