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Square Fee Calculator

Square Fee Calculator 2025 to calculate Square fees for merchants. If you are an online merchant and use Square's merchant services, you can use our Square Fees Calculator to calculate the exact amount that Square charges for each transaction.

As of 2025, Square charges 2.9% + 0.3 for each transaction. Enter the amount below, and the Square Fee Calculator will show you the total Square fees.

Square Fees Calculator

Enter Amount: $
Square Fees: % + $
Square Fees You Will Receive You Should Ask For

If you sell for $10.00.

If you want $10.00.

Square Fees Calculator

Square credit card fee calculator for 2025. Learn how to calculate Square fees with our free Square fee calculator.

How to Calculate Square Fees?

Below is a forumla on how to calculate Square Fees based on 2.9% + 0.3 for each transaction.
Square Fees = amount*0.029 + 0.3

Please note Squre charges different fees based payment types. The above 2.9% + 0.3 applies only to the following payment types

  • Invoices
  • Online Store
  • Square eCommerce API
  • eCommerce Card on File payments

For other payment types, please check out What are square fees.

Following is a Square fee table that shows how much transaction fees you have to pay based on the standard 2.9% + $0.3 fees.

Amount Pay Fees
$5 $0.45
$10 $0.59
$15 $0.74
$20 $0.88
$25 $1.03
$30 $1.17
$35 $1.32
$40 $1.46
$45 $1.61
$50 $1.75
$55 $1.90
$60 $2.04
$65 $2.19
$70 $2.33
$75 $2.48
$80 $2.62
$85 $2.77
$90 $2.91
$95 $3.06
$100 $3.20
$150 $4.65
$200 $6.10
$250 $7.55
$300 $9.00
$350 $10.45
$400 $11.90
$450 $13.35
$500 $14.80
$550 $16.25
$600 $17.70
$650 $19.15
$700 $20.60
$750 $22.05
$800 $23.50
$850 $24.95
$900 $26.40
$950 $27.85
$1000 $29.30
$1100 $32.20
$1200 $35.10
$1300 $38.00
$1400 $40.90
$1500 $43.80
$1600 $46.70
$1700 $49.60
$1800 $52.50
$1900 $55.40
$2000 $58.30
$2100 $61.20
$2200 $64.10
$2300 $67.00
$2400 $69.90
$2500 $72.80
$2600 $75.70
$2700 $78.60
$2800 $81.50
$2900 $84.40
$3000 $87.30
$3100 $90.20
$3200 $93.10
$3300 $96.00
$3400 $98.90
$3500 $101.80
$3600 $104.70
$3700 $107.60
$3800 $110.50
$3900 $113.40
$4000 $116.30
$4100 $119.20
$4200 $122.10
$4300 $125.00
$4400 $127.90
$4500 $130.80
$4600 $133.70
$4700 $136.60
$4800 $139.50
$4900 $142.40
$5000 $145.30
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