Online Calculators > Financial Calculators > Debt Service Coverage Ratio Calculator
DSCR Calculator
DSCR Calculator to calculate debt service coverage ratio which is a financial ratio that measures the cash flow to pay current debt obligations.
The debt service coverage ratio formula (DSCR formula) is shown at the bottom of the page that shows how to calculate debt service coverage ratio.
Monthly Loan Payment: |
Debt Service Coverage Ratio Formula
Following is the debt service coverage ratio formula (DSCR formula) on how to calculate debt service coverage ratio.
DSCR = NOI / Debt Service, where
DSCR = Debt Service Coverage Ratio
NOI = Net Operating Income
How to Calculate Debt Service Coverage Ratio
Suppose a company has a loan of $100,000 with a 6% interest rate and a 5 year term, and the net operating income is $30,000 per month.
Monthly payment = (100000 * 6/12/100) / (1 - 1 / (1 + 6/12/100)^60)) = 1,933.28
DSCR = 30000/1933.28 = 15.52