Online Calculators > Conversion > How many tablespoons in a gallon

Gallons to Tablespoons

Gallons to Tablespoons conversion calculator to convert gal to tbsp and vice versa. To calculate how many tablespoons in a gallon, multiply by 256.

Convert gal to tbsp

Gallon Tablespoon
Gallons Conversion
US Liquid Gallons:
US Tablespoons:
Cubic Meters:
Cubic Inches:
Cubic Feet:
US Fluid Ounces:
US Liquid Pints:
US Liquid Quarts:
US Cups:
US Legal Cups:
US Teaspoons:
Imperial Gallons:
Imperial Quarts:
Imperial Pints:
Imperial Cups:
Imperial Fluid Ounces:
Imperial Tablespoons:
Imperial Teaspoons:

How many tablespoons in a gallon?

There are 256 tablespoons in a gallon, or 1 gal = 256 tbsp.

Gallon Tablespoon
1 256
2 512
3 768
4 1,024
5 1,280
6 1,536
7 1,792
8 2,048
9 2,304
10 2,560
11 2,816
12 3,072
13 3,328
14 3,584
15 3,840
16 4,096
17 4,352
18 4,608
19 4,864
20 5,120
21 5,376
22 5,632
23 5,888
24 6,144
25 6,400
26 6,656
27 6,912
28 7,168
29 7,424
30 7,680
31 7,936
32 8,192
33 8,448
34 8,704
35 8,960
36 9,216
37 9,472
38 9,728
39 9,984
40 10,240
41 10,496
42 10,752
43 11,008
44 11,264
45 11,520
46 11,776
47 12,032
48 12,288
49 12,544
50 12,800
51 13,056
52 13,312
53 13,568
54 13,824
55 14,080
56 14,336
57 14,592
58 14,848
59 15,104
60 15,360
61 15,616
62 15,872
63 16,128
64 16,384
65 16,640
66 16,896
67 17,152
68 17,408
69 17,664
70 17,920
71 18,176
72 18,432
73 18,688
74 18,944
75 19,200
76 19,456
77 19,712
78 19,968
79 20,224
80 20,480
81 20,736
82 20,992
83 21,248
84 21,504
85 21,760
86 22,016
87 22,272
88 22,528
89 22,784
90 23,040
91 23,296
92 23,552
93 23,808
94 24,064
95 24,320
96 24,576
97 24,832
98 25,088
99 25,344
100 25,600

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