Online Calculators > Conversion > cL to oz

cL to oz

cL to oz conversion calculator converts cL to oz and vice versa. To calculate how many oz in a cL, divide by 2.96.

Centiliters to Ounces

Centiliter Ounce
Centiliters Conversion
US Fluid Ounces:
US Liquid Pints:
US Cups:
US Liquid Gallons:
Cubic Meters:
Cubic Inches:
Cubic Feet:
US Liquid Quarts:
US Legal Cups:
US Tablespoons:
US Teaspoons:

How many oz in a cL?

There are 0.3381 oz in a cL.
cL stands for centiliter which is a unit of capacity equals 1/100 of a liter.
1 liter = 33.814 ounces, therefore
1 centiliter = 0.3381 ounces.

Centiliters US Fluid Ounces
1 0.33814
2 0.67628
3 1.01442
4 1.35256
5 1.69070
6 2.02884
7 2.36698
8 2.70512
9 3.04326
10 3.38140
11 3.71954
12 4.05768
13 4.39582
14 4.73396
15 5.07210
16 5.41024
17 5.74838
18 6.08652
19 6.42466
20 6.76280
21 7.10094
22 7.43908
23 7.77723
24 8.11537
25 8.45351
26 8.79165
27 9.12979
28 9.46793
29 9.80607
30 10.14421
31 10.48235
32 10.82049
33 11.15863
34 11.49677
35 11.83491
36 12.17305
37 12.51119
38 12.84933
39 13.18747
40 13.52561
41 13.86375
42 14.20189
43 14.54003
44 14.87817
45 15.21631
46 15.55445
47 15.89259
48 16.23073
49 16.56887
50 16.90701
51 17.24515
52 17.58329
53 17.92143
54 18.25957
55 18.59771
56 18.93585
57 19.27399
58 19.61213
59 19.95027
60 20.28841
61 20.62655
62 20.96469
63 21.30283
64 21.64097
65 21.97911
66 22.31725
67 22.65540
68 22.99354
69 23.33168
70 23.66982
71 24.00796
72 24.34610
73 24.68424
74 25.02238
75 25.36052
76 25.69866
77 26.03680
78 26.37494
79 26.71308
80 27.05122
81 27.38936
82 27.72750
83 28.06564
84 28.40378
85 28.74192
86 29.08006
87 29.41820
88 29.75634
89 30.09448
90 30.43262
91 30.77076
92 31.10890
93 31.44704
94 31.78518
95 32.12332
96 32.46146
97 32.79960
98 33.13774
99 33.47588
100 33.81402
1 cl to oz
2 cl to oz
2.5 cl to oz
3 cl to oz
4 cl to oz
4.5 cl to oz
5 cl to oz
6 cl to oz
8 cl to oz
12 cl to oz
20 cl to oz
24 cl to oz
25 cl to oz
30 cl to oz
33 cl to oz
35 cl to oz
37.5 cl to oz
40 cl to oz
50 cl to oz
60 cl to oz
66 cl to oz
70 cl to oz
75 cl to oz

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