Online Calculators > Conversion
1 Kcal to kJ
1 Kcal to kJ to convert 1 kilocalorie to kilojoules and vice versa. To find out what is 1 Kcal in kJ, multiply 1 by 4.184.
Kilocalories |
Kilojoules |
Calories |
Joules |
Megajoules |
Gigajoules |
Watt Hour |
Kilowatt Hour |
Megawatt Hour |
British Thermal Unit |
KiloBTU |
1 Kcal in kJ
1 Kcal in kJ will not only convert Kcal to kJ, it will also convert 1 Kcal to other units such as watt hour, kilowatt hour, megawatt hour and more.
101 kcal to kj
14 kcal to kj
100 kcal to kj
110 kcal to kj